Out of Home Delivery: save 103g of CO2 per parcel

24 pages to discover the delivery method that will mark 2024.


In the report you will find data on:

  • Growth of the Out of Home market
  • Benefits of pick-up point deliveries for carriers, companies and consumers
  • Data on the sustainability and efficiency of Out of Home deliveries

Spoilers ahead!

Here are some of the statistics you can find in our report Out of Home Delivery - 1st Edition.


E-commerce revenue growth in Europe from 2022 to 2027. 

[Source: Out of home delivery in Europe, 2023]


The percentage of delivery costs caused by the impact of the last mile.

[Source: Out of home delivery in Europe, 2023]


The share of the world's population
willing to switch to more sustainable
more sustainable delivery solutions.  

[Source:  Statista]

Genera fatture per il tuo ecommerce in pochi istanti

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  • Semplifica e centralizza la gestione delle tue fatture 

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